Return to John Miller's aloe garden in Oakland

Last Saturday, my friends John B, Justin, Kyle and I visited John Miller’s aloe garden in Oakland. John is the president of the Institute for Aloe Studies (IAS), a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and conservation of aloes, both in their natural habitats and ex situ in collections. The IAS propagates a large variety of aloe species, often from habitat seed, and sells them through their web site . The plants are grown in a greenhouse at the Oakland Zoo and in John’s personal garden. Pre-Covid, the annual winter pilgrimage to John’s garden coinciding with the peak of the aloe bloom had become somewhat of a tradition. Somehow, I don’t know how, four years managed to go by since my last visit. While a few things have changed, most of the aloes I remembered fondly were still there. That’s the wonderful thing about plants, and gardens in general: They reward your initial investment of time and effort for many years to come. John lives on a ½ acre hillside lot with sweeping vie...