Eeking out 40 sq. ft. of additional planting space

In a small garden like ours, every square foot counts. I constantly look for ways to maximize the space available for planting, and I jump at every chance to squeeze out a few more square feet. Just such an opportunity presented itself when it came time to fix some broken fence sections in the front yard. Take a look: In the photo below, the 6 ft. section outlined in yellow was leaning precariously. This was the only remaining section from when the house was built; the rest of the fence had been replaced about 15 years ago. The 4 ft. section outlined in orange was still good, but it had come loose from the 6 ft. fence next to it. Inside the fence, an L-shaped raised bed occupied the corner where the 4 ft. fence meets the 6 ft. fence which encloses the backyard: Originally, we used this raised bed for tropicals like elephant ears, bananas, and gingers ( see this post ). However, when we switched to more water-wise plants, it became difficult to keep the tropicals happy. In 2013, I plant...