Early evening glow in the garden

Summer has been hanging on tight, like a stubborn rash that won’t go away. Will it ever end? , that’s the Shakespearean question. But even the persistent daytime heat can’t negate the fact that fall is close. You can tell by the light. The sun is lower in the sky, and the early evening glow is pure magic, almost making me forget the havoc this endless – and relentless – summer has wrought. Here are some photos I took over the last few days to show you what I mean. Small Dioon caputoi next to the bamboo in the front yard Agave ‘Blue Glow’ with Eriogonum nudum ‘Ella’s Yellow’ Hechtia argentea ... ...and Dioon argenteum looking like liquid silver View of the larger succulent mound inside the front yard fence Yucca linearifolia bottom left Yucca queretaroensis × filifera towering over the smaller succulent mound Leucadendron ‘Jester’ and Yucca queretaroensis × filifera Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi , with Aloe lukeana top left and Ferocactus herrerae on the right Corten cactus p...