Look what I found in my agave!

Living on a corner lot fronted by a sidewalk on two sides, we’re used to finding random pieces of trash in our planting strip. Usually it’s things like beer bottles or fast-food wrappers. I even picked up some fried-chicken bones once (there’s a KFC not too far from our house). But what I found the other day takes the cake – literally: From a distance, it looked like, well, this: 💩. But when I got closer, I realized what it was: a half-eaten chocolate 🍩. Frosted with shredded coconut, no less. Does that make it a German chocolate cake donut? Maybe the person eating the donut didn’t like it or they were getting full. What do you do when that happens? You toss it into your neighbor’s garden bed, of course! Their aim was excellent, because the donut landed right between two leaves of our Agave parryi . At first, I was angry, but then I couldn’t help but laugh. After all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. I dare say I will never see another donut wedged into an agave of ours. P.S...