Grounding Queen Victoria

Agave victoriae-reginae was described in 1875 and named after Queen Victoria who ruled over the United Kingdom and the British Empire for a large part of the 19th century. If there ever was an agave fit for royalty, this is it. There are many forms of Agave victoriae-reginae . Some have fewer leaves, some have more. Some have lots of white markings, others just a few. Some are bigger and chunkier, others smaller and more delicate. But all of them are instantly recognizable. I didn’t set out to collect Agave victoriae-reginae , but somehow I ended up with half a dozen different forms. Most of them are in pots and pupping vigorously – often a survival mechanism in containerized plants that are severely root-bound. In the process of overhauling the areas in the front yard that had become available after I’d removed the bloomed out Agave bovicornuta and Agave shrevei × guadalajarana , I decided to finally put the prettiest of my potted Agave v...