Late-afternoon snapshots from our garden

One of the best features of fall is the golden light of late afternoon. The way it backlights and sidelights the (spiky) plants in our garden is nothing short of spectacular. Here is an assemblage of snapshots taken over the last few days to show you what I mean. This is one of those instances where I’m glad I’m a maximalist when it comes to the garden, squeezing far more plants into a small space than conventional “wisdom” dictates. All I can say is this: Long live cramscaping! What you see as you enter the front garden from the driveway Hechtia ‘Silver Star’, a hybrid between Hechtia argentea and Hechtia marnier-lapostollei Hechtia ‘Silver Star’ and Agave nickelsiae Hechtia argentea Ferocactus pilosus , Agave applanata ‘Cream Spike’, Aloe peglerae One of my favorite views Dasylirion longissimum in tall Corten planter, Hechtia ‘Silver Star’ (yes, another one) bottom left, and Hechtia ‘Oaxaca Sunset’ bottom right Hechtia ‘Silver Star’ top, Agave parrasana ‘Fireball’ bottom × M...