San Diego plant haul (February 2022)

Another road trip, another car load of plants. I'm nothing if not predictable. At least I didn't bring home any prehistoric animal sculptures from Anza-Borrego!

Traveling solo has one big advantage: You can pack the car with plants. And I did, at least the interior. I generally try not to stow plants in the trunk because rapid changes in light levels, combined with high temperatures and a lack of air circulation, can lead to what is known as “agave edema.”

Plants traveling on the passenger seat of the car

Back seat

The trunk is fine for plants with a tougher constitution, like hechtias. And of course for roadside finds like cholla skeletons:

No rocks this time. I don't know why, but on this trip I simply wasn't looking for rocks to bring home.


Below are my new plants by group. So many plants, you may say, but bear in mind that most are quite small—too small to be planted out. As a result, they'll live in plastic pots for years to come. Only a handful are big enough to go in the ground immediately (and they have).


①  Agave utahensis var. eborispina
②  Agave shawii × isthmensis
③  Agave shawii × parrasana
④  Agave shawii × potatorum
⑤  Agave parviflora
⑥  Agave isthmensis (yellow variegation)
⑦  Agave titanota 'Blue Sphere'

A couple of closeups:

Agave utahensis var. eborispina

Agave isthmensis (yellow variegation)

Already planted in the ground:

Agave utahensis var. nevadensis × ovatifolia (top), Agave utahensis var. eborispina × gypsophila (bottom)


①  Aloe lineata var. muirii
② Aloe 'David Verity' × speciosa [unrooted cutting]
③ Aloe capitata
④ Aloe 'David Verity' × white-flowering ferox
⑤ Aloe cameronii var. bondana [unrooted cutting]
⑥ Aloe cameronii  [unrooted cuttings]
⑦ Aloe bulbillifera [unrooted bulbils]
⑧ Aloe 'Purple Haze'
⑨ Aloe 'Talon'
⑩ Aloe 'Tarantula'
⑪ Aloe comptonii × sabaea
⑫ Aloe krapohliana var. dumoulinii

Aloe 'Tarantula', Aloe 'Purple Haze', Aloe 'Talon'

Aloe divaricata

Aloe divaricata, fused teeth

Already planted in the ground:

Aloe peglerae × mawii

Aloe perfoliata subsp. distans


①  Hechtia 'Ventura' (Hechtia marnier-lapostollei × glomerata)
② ⑤  ×Dyckcohnia 'Cherry Bomb' (Deuterocohnia brevispicata × Dyckia estevesii)
③  Hechtia lanata
④  Hechtia lanata × roseana 'Mr. Freckles'
⑥  Hechtia 'Aztec Sun' (Bill Baker hybrid, unknown parentage)

One more: a large Hechtia roseana 'Mr. Freckles' cutting from Andy Siekkinen


South African bulbs from Ken Blackford (San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society sale):

①  ×Amarygia (Amaryllis belladonna × Brunsvigia josephinae)
②  Boophone disticha
③  Crossyne flava
④  Massonia sp. or hybrids

×Graptoveria 'Opalina'

Kalanchoe luciae 'Fantastic Crested'

Here's an alphabetical listing of my haul. This is mostly for myself; I regularly refer back to old posts if a plant tag gets lost or if I want to know when and where I got a specific plant.

×AmarygiaKen Blackford/SDCSS
×AmarygiaKen Blackford/SDCSS
×Dyckcohnia'Cherry Bomb'Andy Siekkinen
Aechmeacomata var. makoyanaSan Diego Botanic Garden
Agaveisthmensis 'Kichiokan Wide-Leaf'Jeremy Spath
Agaveisthmensis (yellow variegation)Jeff Moore
AgaveparvifloraGnossis Nursery
Agaveshawii × isthmensisJeremy Spath
Agaveshawii × parrasanaJeremy Spath
Agaveshawii × potatorumKG Plants/SDCSS
Agavetitanota 'Blue Sphere'KG Plants/SDCSS
Agaveutahensis var. eborispinaSucculent City/Pam Badger
Agaveutahensis var. eborispina × gypsophilaMatt Maggio/SDCSS
Agaveutahensis var. nevadensis × ovatifoliaMatt Maggio/SDCSS
AgavezebraKG Plants/SDCSS
Aloe'David Verity' × speciosaDevon Boutte
Aloe'David Verity' × ferox (white-flowering)Devon Boutte
Aloe'Purple Haze'Oasis
Aloe'Talon'KG Plants/SDCSS
AloebulbilliferaJosh Allen
AloecameroniiJeff Moore
Aloecameronii var. bondanaDevon Boutte
Aloecomptonii × sabaeaDevon Boutte
AloedivaricataWaterwise Botanicals
Aloeexcelsa × capitataDevon Boutte
Aloekrapohliana var. dumouliniiMatt Maggio/SDCSS
Aloelineata var. muiriiJim Bishop
Aloepeglerae × mawiiLinda Schwartz
Aloeperfoliata subsp. distansOasis
BoophonedistichaKen Blackford/SDCSS
CrossyneflavaKen Blackford/SDCSS
CrossyneflavaKen Blackford/SDCSS
DracaenadracoKen Blackford/SDCSS
Hechtia'Aztec Sun'Jeff Moore
Hechtia'Ventura'Andy Siekkinen
HechtialanataJeremy Spath
Hechtialanata × roseana 'Mr. Freckles'Andy Siekkinen
Hechtiaroseana 'Mr. Freckles'Andy Siekkinen
Kalanchoeluciae 'Fantastic Crest'Oasis
Massoniasp. or hybridKen Blackford/SDCSS

As you saw above, a few plants have already gone in the ground. The others will remain in nursery pots until they're bigger, or they're in a holding pattern until I figure out where they will go. 


© Gerhard Bock, 2022. All rights reserved. To receive all new posts by email, please subscribe here.


  1. Goodness, that is a haul! I bet you have figured out where to plant each and every one of your new acquisitions :-D
    Aloe lineata var. muirii is very unique and could become a real statement plant.
    There is nothing more fun than a roadside find: I love that cholla skeleton.

    1. I love Aloe lineata var. muirii. It forms a beautiful symmetrical rosette when older.

      As for cholla skeletons, they're like catnip to me!

  2. Your second sentence immediately had me envisioning you driving the 405 with a dinosaur sitting in your passenger seat ;) That's a very nice haul and looks to be one of your largest yet.

    1. I saw so many metal dinosaur statues on my trip, esp. in and around Vista. All private properties.

      People I visited were very generous with plants and cuttings. Plant people are the best.

  3. Yay for plant hauls! Your new Hechtia lanata jumped out at me as an especially nice find.

    1. Jeremy had a flat of seedlings. I was very happy. I already have a Hechtia lanata in the ground and I love it.

  4. I'm hoping for a good haul when I venture down to Santa Barbara and environs next month. Just being on the road again will feel great. I lost a few things this winter with our persistent mid to low 20 temps. Where in hell is the rain when you need it ?

    1. Rain! What's that?? We're supposed to get a tenth of an inch tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it.

  5. You will be busy planting!

    Yes indeed, plant people are the best people.

    1. Many plants are still too small to put in the ground so that gives me time to think about where to eventually put them.

    2. I was going to ask if some of the African bulbs had come from Ken Blackford until I read that you did. Have you been to his garden? Great guy and a wonderful garden.

    3. No, I've never been to Ken's garden, but I've seen photos on Facebook. Maybe I'll be able to arrange a visit on my next trip :-)


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