Writing plant haul posts is fun—almost as much fun as buying plants. So without further ado, here are the goodies that came home with me from Southern California last week.
Most plants are small (in 3- and 4-inch pots), but there are a few larger ones as well:
Aloe karasbergensis is among my favorite aloes. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a diva. I've lost two or three small plants to rot, but I'm ready to try again with this 5-gallon plant. It'll go in full sun, and I'll keep it as dry as I can in the winter. |
Grevillea 'Pink Midget', supposedly only 2×2 ft. at maturity |
Arctostaphylos cruzensis, a low-growing manzanita (to 2 ft. tall) native to San Luis Obispo and southern Monterey counties. Needs shade inland, which makes it perfect for our backyard. |
Didelta 'Silver Strand'. I spotted this right next to the dudleyas at Plant Depot. At first glance, it's easy to mistake it for another dudleya, but it isn't. It's a succulent subshrub from South African, a hybrid of two species of Didelta, created by German grower Westhoff. It's being marketed as a filler for mixed containers. I'm excited to try it in the ground although I have no idea regarding hardiness. |
Salvia cedrosensis 'Baja Blanca', a white form of this rare sage native to Cedros Island off the coast of central Baja California. Introduced by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden from a collection on Cedros Island. I've wanted a pure white salvia for a long time, and this one fits the bill. At a compact 2×2 ft., it doesn't take up as much room as many shrubby salvias. |
Here are group shots of the smaller plants. As you can see, there's a lot of variety across the board. Many are small plants meant to be tucked into nooks and crannies.
Left to right, starting in top row: 6-pack of Pachyphytum compactum, 1-gallon Cheiridopsis candidissima (now lumped in with C. denticulata); Trichodiadema bulbosum; flowering cactus simply labeled "Escobaria cactus" (identified as Mammillaria bocasana by an expert friend), two Crassula mesembryanthemoides |
Left to right, starting in top row: Agave nizandensis, ×Pachyveria 'Amethorum' (2x); Agave funkiana 'Blue Haze', Delosperma sphalmanthoides, Rosularia platyphylla, Echeveria purpusorum; Agave attenuata 'Variegata', Graptopetalum pachyphyllum (2x) |
All the dudleyas I brought home. Left to right, starting in top row: Dudleya caespitosa 'Anacapa' (as labeled; some sources say it's identical to the selection that goes by the cultivar name 'Frank Reinelt'), Dudleya greenei; Dudleya viscida, Dudleya cultrata (2x in the middle row); Dudleya attenuata, Dudleya pulverulenta, Dudleya lanceolata |
Here's a list, mostly for my own reference:
Agave attenuata 'Variegata' | Friend [GL] | [Link] |
Agave funkiana 'Blue Haze' | Friend [KP] | [Link] |
Agave nizandensis [2x] | Friend [GL] | [Link] |
Agave simplex | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Agave titanota 'White Ice' | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Aloe 'Jacob's Ladder' | Friend [DM] | [Link] |
Aloe karasbergensis | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Arctostaphylos cruzensis | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Cheiridopsis candidissima [denticulata] | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Crassula mesembryanthemoides | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Delosperma sphalmanthoides | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Didelta 'Silver Strand' | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Dudleya attenuata | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Dudleya caespitosa 'Anacapa' | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Dudleya cultrata | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Dudleya greenei | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Dudleya lanceolata | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Dudleya pulverulenta | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Dudleya viscida | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Echeveria purpusorum | Trader Joe's, Irvine | |
Echeveria 'Red Ebony' | Green Touch Nursery | |
Escobaria sp.Mammillaria bocasana | Plant Depot | |
Euphorbia 'Briar Patch' | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Graptopetalum pachyphyllum 'Blue Bean' | H&H Nursery | [Link] |
×Pachyveria 'Amethorum' [2x] | Green Touch Nursery | |
Grevillea 'Pink Midget' | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Pachyphytum compactum [6x] | Plant Depot | [Link] |
Rosularia platyphylla | Green Touch Nursery | [Link] |
Salvia cedrosensis 'Baja Blanca' | Tree of Life Nursery | [Link] |
Trichodiadema bulbosum | Plant Depot | [Link] |
I can't wait for the weekend to get as many of these new additions in the ground!
© Gerhard Bock, 2021. All rights reserved. No part of the materials available through www.succulentsandmore.com may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Gerhard Bock. Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Gerhard Bock is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States and international copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Gerhard Bock. If you are reading this post on a website other than www.succulentsandmore.com, please be advised that that site is using my content without my permission. Any unauthorized use will be reported.
That drive was definitely worth the time and gas! You did well (not that I'm surprised). It was good to see you too.
ReplyDeleteIt was so great to see! I love the fact the daughter #2 goes to school in Southern California!
DeleteQuite the haul. You will be busy tucking everything in. The Dudleya's are gorgeous. Love the red tips to their leaves. The Euphoribia is interesting. Look forward to to hearing more about it as it grows.
ReplyDeleteI've gotten a lot of dudleyas since last year, esp. Southern California and Baja natives. Winter was no problem for them. Summer will be the real test. Keeping my fingers crossed.
DeleteBoy, you have your work cut out for you! I love that Salvia cedrosensis 'Baja Blanca' but I don't think it would be too happy in the Sonoran Desert as it originally comes from an island!
ReplyDeleteI'll post updates on the Salvia cedrosensis. I planted it in the ground, more filtered sun than full sun.
DeleteThat's quite the haul, did Laura have to ride with a plant on her lap?
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't necessary. We took the minivan and there was plenty of room. Especially since I didn't get any rocks or tumbleweeds this time.
DeleteWell if next winter is anything like this last one you won't have much trouble keeping that Aloe dry . I wish you well with all those Dudleyas-I think the berming and soil improvement for dry adapted plants you've done over the last few years should work in your favor. I've killed my share ! You didn't mess arund in the plant shopping dept on this trip--you got some great stuff .
ReplyDeleteMy new karasbergensis is in full sun now, hopefully it's happier there.
DeleteYou wasted no time getting a lot of good plants. I admire your plant-shopping energy level. Enjoy finding places for them all.
ReplyDeleteThe Didelta I planted on the front slope is looking very happy--we'll see how it handles tomorrow's 90F temperature.
I was able to get most plants in the grounds already. Good thing, too, considering summer is nipping at our heels.
DeleteI planted my Didelta, too. So far so good. It has a lot of flower buds.