On Saturday, I finally made it to Annie's Annuals in Richmond. It was my first visit of the year. I'm not sure why I waited so long, considering that temperatures are warming up and the fall/winter/spring planting window is almost closed. But I'm happy to report that all my purchases except for one are already in the ground or in pots.
A friend of mine went to Annie's recently in the middle of the week and had to wait outside for a while before being allowed in. An employee stationed at the entrance keeps track of how many customers are inside the nursery at any given time to maintain social distancing requirements. Once capacity is reached, people need to wait outside until somebody leaves. I arrived at 10 a.m., and to my surprise I was able to walk straight in. However, by the time I left at 11:30, people were lining up at the entrance.
The display beds near the entrance were as beautiful as ever—like living pages of Annie's Annuals' printed catalog. Which they are, seeing how many photos in the catalog are taken right at the nursery. I noticed improved labeling of the plants in the display beds. In addition to the plant name, the tags now also indicate the nursery aisle where the plant can be found for purchase. A terrific idea!
Here are some photos I snapped as I was pushing my Radio Flyer wagon around. I linked the plant names to the corresponding page on the Annie's Annuals website so you can read more information if you like.
See below for details |
Unlabeled, but the Plant Snap app on my phone thinks it's Petrosedum sediforme |
Puya dyckioides, must be a new plant Annie's is trialing because it's not on the website yet |
First time for me to see Puya dyckioides flowers! |
Ferocious dinos scaring visitors in the spot where the famous Annie's cow used to hang out |
One more dinosaur, this one a bit friendlier looking |
Theeeeere is the cow! Glad to know it wasn't put out to pasture. |
Towering flower spike from the Australian spear lily (Doryanthes palmeri) |
Another flowering Beschorneria yuccoides 'Flamingo Glow' |
Here are my purchases:
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Raspberry' is another trial candidate. I haven't had much luck with lewisias (aka bitterroots), but I was told to give them excellent drainage and water only little in the summer. Unless most other species in the genus, Lewisia cotyledon typically does not go dormant in the summer. |
List of my plants for future reference:
Dudleya brittonii 'Giant Chalk Dudleya'
Dudleya cymosa (orange form)
Dudleya cymosa pumila 'Figueroa Mountain'
Dudleya traskiae 'Santa Barbara Liveforever'
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Raspberry'
Lotus crassifolius var. otayensis 'Otay Mountain Lotus'
Pseudonoseris glandulosa 'Andean Aster'
Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'
Yucca aloifolia 'Magenta Magic'
With warmer temperatures nipping at our heels, it's time to prepare for the long dry summer ahead—and start making plant lists for the fall.
© Gerhard Bock, 2021. All rights reserved. No part of the materials available through www.succulentsandmore.com may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Gerhard Bock. Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Gerhard Bock is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States and international copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Gerhard Bock. If you are reading this post on a website other than www.succulentsandmore.com, please be advised that that site is using my content without my permission. Any unauthorized use will be reported.
I am so overdue for a trip to Annies. And your plant haul is very restrained ! Using the radio flyer instead of the double decker cart I've found is helpful on that score. I have Lewisia on my Annies list too-I have a spot that I think will work.
ReplyDeleteIt was the first time I used one of their Radio Flyer wagon instead of the two-tiered cart. Hence the restrained. Also, the fact that hot weather is in the forecast and I didn't want the responsibility of pampering a lot of newly planted plants.
DeleteYour "friend" thanks you very much for your shopping and shipping energy! I'll have another Annie's plant in my garden this spring, a Telanthophora grandifolia (https://www.anniesannuals.com/plants/view/?id=5161) which was a gift from my friend Linda (I blogged about here garden here: http://www.thedangergarden.com/2020/12/visiting-garden-of-another-portland.html. I do wish I could grow dudleya!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'd like to see how it does for you. Aren't you in Portland? I really like that plant. I know it will appreciate your greater rainfall than I get in the bay area and I hope to find out it is cool with the cold. Good luck!
DeleteAnytime! Shopping for others is even more fun than shopping for myself. May the cloudy cabbages prosper and thrive!
DeleteMark—yes, Portland. I am only expecting it to be an annual, but if it lives then great!
DeleteYour post is better than the print catalog! I so wish I was close enough to visit Annie's. I'll get there in person someday. In the meanwhile, even though I recently visited one of my favorite garden centers, I've already got a working list for another Annie's order by mail.
ReplyDeleteSomeday, Kris! Stay with us and I'll take you :-)
DeleteSuch great photos of a wonderful nursery, and special thanks for the fun links to the catalog. Most everything isn't zone appropriate, but still an eye candy. How can anyone resist Red Pagoda crassula? I'm smitten.
ReplyDeleteAnnie's actually has a lot of plants for colder zones. Go to www.anniesannuals.com and use the Zone drop-down list at the top right to see plants for any given zone.
DeleteI have decided it is better that I live in Phoenix instead of southern CA. I would be totally broke and exhausted from buying and planting. Can't grow many of these but I so love them! Let us know how Yucca aloifolia 'Magenta Magic' does. I tried the big variety but, of course, the high, high heat last summer killed it.
ReplyDeleteFor a minute I thought those dinosaurs ate the cow. Good to know the cow is okay. ;^)
ReplyDeleteThe dinosaurs look like raptor stunt doubles from Jurassic Park....hmmm, I wonder if they have contacts with the movie biz. Euphorb 'Blue Haze' is on the short list of Annie's plants I've yet to grow. That new puya is very fetching!