Who can resist a Mexican grass tree for $10.50?

There are few things I find harder to resist than plants sold at a great price. If it's a plant I don't have yet, even better. But I won't automatically turn down a plant just because I already have one in the garden. Here's a case in point: A few weekends ago, I ventured to Green Acres Nursery in Sacramento to buy some vegetable starts. Needless to say I checked out the non-vegetable offerings as well. And lo and behold, I found a bunch of Mexican grass trees ( Dasylirion longissimum ) in #1 pots for $10.50. What's remarkable is the size of these dasylirions: They were larger than the plants in #5 pots for $30! In fact, the plastic containers were deformed by the pressure from the roots. And yet, as root bound as they were, they looked perfectly happy. Would you be surprised if I told you that I bought one? Of course not. I already have two Dasylirion longissimum , but seeing how it's a favorite of mine—a poor man's Xanthorrhoea if you will—I couldn...