John Miller's aloe wonderland in Oakland

John Miller is the president of the Institute for Aloe Studies (IAS), a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and conservation of the genus Aloe . The IAS propagates a large variety of aloe species, many of them hard to find, and sells them through their web site . The plants are grown in a greenhouse at the Oakland Zoo and in John's personal garden. I saw John's garden for the first time in December 2018, and this January I was lucky enough to visit on two different occasions. This post combines photos I took two weeks apart. Bi-colored Aloe ferox [South Africa], a real beauty John has a ½ acre hillside lot with panoramic vistas of Oakland and San Francisco Bay. His aloe collection is one of the largest in the country and includes many rare species from areas other than South Africa (Zimbabwe, Uganda, Ethiopia, Madagascar). John has seen many species in habitat, most recently on a trip to Eritrea and Ethiopia. Oakland has the ideal climate for g...