Tohono Chul really is one of Tucson's best-kept secrets for desert plant lovers

Recently two different people asked me if I had ever been to Tohono Chul Park in Tucson and, if so, what I thought of it. The answer is easy: yes, and I love it. I visited Tohono Chul for the first time in 2013 , then in 2015 , and again last December. If it were in a different town, Tohono Chul would be the leading botanical attraction. The fact that in Tucson it's relegated to a lesser tier speaks volumes about the quantity and quality of parks and gardens available there. Tucson not only has a national park ( Saguaro National Park ), a world-class zoo, natural history museum and botanical garden all rolled into one ( Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum ), another botanical garden ( Tucson Botanical Gardens ), a campus-wide arboretum ( University of Arizona ), and a score of smaller parks—not to mention great nurseries. Not bad at all for a city of 500,000! I think Tohono Chul can easily hold its own, even in a crowded field like that, and deserves to be much better known amo...