I don't want you to think I'm "just" visiting gardens on my Southern California trip. Yes, that's the main reason why I'm in the Southland, but I've been doing of plenty of plant shopping.
Here are a couple of quick snapshots of my haul so far, with a full day left:
Yucca 'Bright Star', Leucadendron 'Jester', Phylica pubescens, assorted groundcover succulents |
Aloe vanbalenii and Yucca 'Bright Star' |
Euphorbia 'White Swan', Cordyline 'Electric Flash', Yucca 'Bright Star' |
Leucadendron 'Little Bit', Euphorbia 'White Swan' and Cordyline 'Electric Flash' |
Dicksonia antarctica |
Tagetes 'Gold Metal', looking a bit bedraggled after being squashed by bags flying off the seat during an unexpectedly abrupt braking maneuver |
This is what I've gotten so far (and where I bought it):
- Agave potatorum 'Cameron Blue' — The Home Depot, Monrovia
- Aloe vanbalenii — South Coast Botanic Garden, Palos Verdes
- Calylophus drummondii (2x) — Armstrong Garden Center, Santa Monica
- Carex flacca ‘Blue Zinger’ — Armstrong Garden Center, Santa Monica
- Crassula ovata ‘Undulata’ (6 pack) — Roger's Gardens, Corona del Mar
- Cordyline banksii 'Electric Flash' — Village Nurseries Landscape Center, Huntington Beach
- Dicksonia antartica — Garden View Nursery, Irwindale (I wasn't looking for another Tasmanian tree fern, but it was 50% off, so $9.50 for a 5-gallon plant)
- Euphorbia 'White Swan' — Village Nurseries Landscape Center, Huntington Beach
- Gonialoe variegata — Garden View Nursery, Irwindale
- Leonotis leonurus 'Variegatus' — Roger's Gardens, Corona del Mar
- Leucadendron 'Jester' — Armstrong Garden Center, Santa Monica
- Leucadendron 'Little Bit' — Village Nurseries Landscape Center, Huntington Beach
- Pachyphytum compactum (6 pack) — Roger's Gardens, Corona del Mar
- Phylica pubescens — Armstrong Garden Center, Santa Monica
- Santolina virens —Armstrong Garden Center, Santa Monica
- Tagetes lemonii × lucida 'Gold Medal' — The Home Depot, Torrance
- Yucca 'Bright Star' — purchased by a friend, I believe at Green Thumb Nursery, Lake Forest
And some gifts from friends:
- Aloe 'Blue Elf'
- Erepsia pillansii
- Graptoveria 'Fred Ives'
- Tillandsia, assorted
I look forward to getting them in the ground after I get back!
ha! I'm making a plant list for my road trip to Socal in March.
ReplyDeleteI've found about half of the plants on my list. Some are just a bit too exotic, I guess.
DeleteWhere are you buying these plants? I always get the best tips on socal nurseries from other bloggers... Have fun!
ReplyDeleteRenee, great question! I added nursery info to my post above. All the nurseries I've been to are what I would consider "mainstream." But they're so well stocked at this time of year! I guess planting season never ends in Southern California!
DeleteNice haul. The only problem with having other person with you is that there may not be room for plants for both people. So going solo is a good thing. ha! ha!
ReplyDeleteThat's no problem. Just take a larger vehicle. Something I should have done, too. My Kia Soul rental is *full*.
DeleteNice work, I would expect nothing less!
ReplyDeleteHa! Now I feel *pressure*.
DeleteOn that note, off to a nursery (Garden View Nursery in Irwindale) before the Huntington opens at 10am.
Good (and intensive) shopping. Glad the HB Village had some of your sought-fors.
ReplyDeleteI bought a few more things today, mainly because the price was right. Still looking for these:
DeleteAsteriscus sericeus
Dorycnium hirsutum
Erepsia pillansii
Hechtia texensis
Maireana sedifolia
Salvia 'Little Kiss'
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Tricolor'
You made great use of that brief stop at Village Nursery!
ReplyDeleteYes! Fortunately Gail had told me where the plants I was looking for were.
DeleteI had to smile at your comment above about the nurseries being "well stocked," when Ive been miserable with anticipation for when they truly get plants in after the winter holidays. I had no idea erepsia is on your list! I just brought one home last week in a gallon. I can grab another and hold on to it if you like. So much fun seeing you. Next time we'll have a proper garden party at my house. Had a blast in Arizona the past couple days on some of your well-traveled paths, DBG, Boyce, etc.