The other day I finally had the opportunity to visit Candy “Sweetstuff,” a fellow succulent aficionado in the Sacramento area. I had come across her blog, Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents, earlier in the year and had been following it religiously. We tried to meet up at Succulent Gardens’ Extravaganza in early October but somehow missed each other. On Monday I finally made the 45-minute drive to her house in Roseville, east of Sacramento.
As I was driving down her street, I had a hard time spotting street numbers on some of the houses but there was no missing Candy’s house: succulents on either side of the house and along the walkway up to the front door!
While at our house we have succulents interspersed with lots of other types of plants, Candy’s front and backyard are all succulents. I jokingly told her that she could open her own backyard succulent nursery! I have no idea how many different genera and species Candy has, and I’m not sure even she knows. But there are many.
Candy and I were so busy talking “shop” that I had to remind myself occasionally to take photos. But I did take some, so come along on a visual tour of “Sweetstuff’s” succulent wonderland.
Panorama of the backyard. Be sure to click the photo to view a much larger version. (It will take a few moments to load and you will need to scroll horizontally to see everything.) |
Check out the girth of this yucca! Candy and I weren’t sure what species this is, but Mark of Alternative Eden suggested Yucca elephantipes (also listed as Yucca guatemalensis). The trunks got so heavy, they fell over and had to be cut off. |
Opuntia engelmanii |
One of Candy’s many wonderful potted arrangements (left) and golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) and Santa Rita prickly pear (Opuntia santa-rita) on the right |
Agave x leopoldii and golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) |
Fruit from the cereus above. Each black spot is a seed. |
Caribbean agave (Agave angustifolia ‘Marginata’) forming an ever increasing colony. This is an elegant-looking agave, but unfortunately it’s a prolific suckerer and can quickly take over. |
An unused birth bath finds new life as a succulent planter |
This arrangement is so inspired, it could be in Debra Lee Baldwin’s “bible,” Succulent Container Gardens. The impressive echeveria on the right is Echeveria subrigida. |
Another fantastic combination featuring Echeveria ‘Afterglow,’ believed to be a hybrid of Echeveria subrigida |
And even more echeverias. I think Candy has more echeverias than any other genus of succulents. |
Fire barrel (possibly Ferocactus stainesii?) |
One of the most unusual succulents in Candy’s collection, Euphorbia leucadendron. No leaves at all, photosynthesis is handled by the green stems. |
Echeveria flower and Kalanchoe marnieriana. I’m very fond of this kalanchoe (it reminds me of silver-dollar eucalyptus leaves), and I was able to take home some cuttings. |
Probably the most inspired repurposing of a container in Candy’s garden: an old barbecue, now enjoying a second lease on life |
Euphorbia enopla and flower from Echeveria ‘Dark Knight’ |
Young Eve’s needle cactus (Austrocylindropuntia subulata). An adult looks like this. |
My jaw dropped when I saw this stunning specimen of a Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei). It is approx. 5 ft. tall. Not hardy in our climate zone, it has to be hauled inside for the winter. I see these at the big box stores each summer, but they typically don’t look that healthy so I’ve never bought one. Candy’s specimen is perfect in every respect. |
Beautiful contrast between golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) and blue echeveria (Echeveria glauca) |
Blue echeveria (Echeveria glauca) |
This is the largest clump of echeveria I’ve ever seen. The container it is in (almost invisible) is a wooden half barrel! Even though this isn’t the most stunning of echeverias (Candy didn’t know which species or hybrid it is), the overall effect is very eye catching. |
Close-up of the hundreds, if not thousands, of densely packed echeveria rosettes in the half barrel |
Out of the many echeveria species, this one is among my favorites: Echeveria nodulosa |
Chalk dudleya (Dudleya brittonii), native to Southern and Baja California |
This is the most perfect specimen of Dudleya brittonii I’ve ever seen |
Crested form of Aeonium ‘Kiwi’ |
Euphorbia flanaganii, one of the medusa-head euphorbias, ingeniously paired with Madagascar ocotillo (Alluaudia procera) |
Euphorbia flanaganii |
Another repurposed bird birth next to a large desert spoon (Dasylirion wheeleri) |
Planted recently, this bird bath contains all cacti |
Gazebo filled with succulents. Since there are no trees in Candy’s yard, this is the only source of shade on a hot summer day. Not all succulents like to bake in full sun all day long. |
Candy’s potting area covered by shade cloth to keep out the hot valley sun |
Leaving behind the backyard, let’s now move around the house to the front.
A stunning clump of Aenonium arborescens underplanted with Kalanchoe marnieriana |
Aenonium arborescens looking like a giant bouquet of green flowers |
Fairly old jade plant (Crassula ovata) next to front door. Note the yellow variegated variety of jade plant on the left (Crassula ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’). Candy said she bought it during Succulent Gardens’ Extravaganza in October. |
Planting bed to the right of the front door featuring a variety of echeverias |
Candy’s newest succulent bed, described in this post on her blog |
In the winter, Candy moves many of the potted plants you see in the photos above into the garage to protect them from rain and freezing temperatures. Containers that are too large to move get covered with frost blankets if needed.
Time flew by very quickly and before I knew it, it was time to go. But before I headed out, Candy loaded me up with a bunch of cuttings—succulents are the ultimate pass-along plants because they offset so freely and root very easily from cuttings. As I was pulling away from the curb, I had a big smile on my face and felt like Christmas had come early this year. Thank you, Candy, for your kindness and generosity!
Here are my cuttings:
Click here to visit Candy’s blog, Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents.
Fantastic! That's a nice selection of new plants too. Don't you love visiting other private gardens?
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to reciprocate with some bamboo divisions, so soon she'll be inserting "bamboo" into her blog title name. ;-)
Candy has got a gorgeous selection of succulents! The best part of it is that most of her plants are presented in a garden setting rather than just masses of individual pots, always a bonus :)
ReplyDeleteIf only we can grow more succulents permanently outdoors here! With out wetter and colder climate our choices are much limited.
I think the first Yucca (with the big base) could be Yucca elephantipes?
Terrific post...Candy's passion really shows and is infectious!...very inspiring...from her planter beds to her containers...and the succulents are thriving and looking fantastic...there's so many varieties I'd like to add to my garden now. Too Cool!
ReplyDelete~Cindy Davison
Thank you Gerhard so much for this awesome blog post. We had the best time together didn't we. You photos are super and I sure hope all the cutting take hold! OX
ReplyDeleteAlan, I think a Mexican weeping bamboo would look right at home in Candy's yard. I'll give her a division next year. (Fear not, Candy, it's clumping--and stunning).
ReplyDeleteMark and Gaz, thanks for the correction on the yucca species. I think your guess is spot on.
Cindy, "passionate" and "infectious" describe Candy to a T. She could and should give workshops and talks!
Candy, the cuttings are either potted up or callusing over in a dry spot. I had to rescue them today from the rain.
A great tour of her garden, I love candy's blog. Great photos and I loved the pano shot. Succulent Heaven!
ReplyDeleteOMG! How did I ever miss this blog of Candy's garden? I felt like I was there touring it with you Gerhard. Great photos as usual. Now, I really have to go visit Candy's garden.