Why I still blog after 15 years

When I started my blog in late 2010, Austin writer Pam Penick and her blog Digging were one of my earliest influences. I knew nothing about gardening in Central Texas (and not much about gardening here at home), but I immediately related to Pam’s writing about her own garden and others she was visiting. At that time, Pam already seemed like a veteran, with five years of blogging under her belt. Fast forward to 2025. Embarking on her 20th year of blogging, Pam recently invited a few other veteran bloggers to share their thoughts on what keeps them going: Carol Michel – May Dreams Gardens , Indianapolis, Indiana (21 years) Susan Harris – GardenRant , Greenbelt, Maryland (20 years) Dee Nash – Red Dirt Ramblings , Guthrie, Oklahoma (18 years) Gail Eichelberger – Clay and Limestone , Nashville, Tennessee (17 years) Loree Bohl – danger garden , Portland, Oregon (16 years) Denise Maher – A Growing Obsession , Long Beach, California and Tillamook, Oregon (16 years) Beth Stetenfeld – P...